Long Days, Short Years

 We are home with a six week old baby girl. I have four kids. 17,11, almost 2, and a newborn. I can’t believe it. Four kids. And remember, I’m geriatric. 

Rob is back at work, but the days leading up to his first day I was nervous. Actually that’s an understatement. The man went through spinal surgeries, infections, unrelenting pain, and I’m nervous to be home alone with two small children. I’ve done this before, right? I have raised two kids. But two under two? No. I've never done that. I keep thinking about my mom. When both of the babies are crying and I’m stress eating chocolate chips out of the bag, I remember her with Ziggy. He just wailed and when she would sit him so I could get some air, I would come home and ask how she did it. “We just rock and rock.”

Thankfully my Weldon is smart and independent and loves to just sit and play. So when Daisy has a hard minute, or I am feeling like I may not make it till naptime, or I’ve eaten all the chocolate chips, I think of my mom. and just rock and rock.


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