Little miracles
Sometimes life tries that tablecloth trick. the one where someone yanks the tablecloth off the table and miraculously everything stays right where it was. Or it doesn’t and shit goes everywhere. That’s what’s happening right now. I’m in the hospital waiting room while Rob is being prepped for spinal surgery.
The weather has changed. That’s a relief. So maybe with the winds changing life will release the death grip it’s had on everyone’s neck. My sister was talking to me last night. Trying to keep me calm.
“Everyone is in the shit right now.” She told me.
Sick kids, Mom drifting away, hospital stays, you name it, we have faced it down over the last few months.
This week had one of those little miracles. Those split seconds of hope.
I’ll take what I can get.
I was at Target. Gathering supplies for thenext week while Rob is in the hospital. I opened my email.
Dear Megan,
Thank you for sharing BOOK CHAPTERS with us. Could you send us
the complete manuscript? And let us know if any other agents show interest?
My heart stopped.
This wasn’t just any agent. It was THE agent. The agent that reps the books I read as a child. The books YOU read as a child.
I started to cry. I cried right there in the Target checkout.
I thought about my mom.
I thought about my kids.
I thought about Rob.
Then I thought, holy shit is it perfect?! It’s not perfect.
Then I went home. I sat down and I read it. It’s not perfect. But it means a hell of a lot to me. So, I sent it out.
And no matter what happens, I got that lifeline of hope.
And I'm gonna hold on to it for as long as I can.
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