
 In my latest conversations with my friends, I am realizing that I am not alone in the dropping shoe moments. The moments that trip you up when everything is just rolling along pretty happily.I know everyone says that all people have the same basic issues. But now I can finally see it! It’s very liberating. Yes we all have variations but the themes are the same. Family. Work. Love. Parenting. Parenting. Parenting. That’s what seems to come up the most. These people wreak havoc on our hearts and souls as mothers. 

I wasn’t easy on my mom. I mean I wasn’t Heather. But my desk was by the teachers. I got notes home. I was always the kid forced to clean out her desk during “Friday Freetime.” I remember one time running around our pool. One of my friends was chasing me, because I glanced back to see where she was and BAM! I face planted on the diving board. It was one of those vicious ones with the spicy white plaster like substance on top. The whole side of my face was bloody. I remember my mom kind of taking it in stride. 

So listening to my friends talk about all the things in their lives, helps me to take mine in stride a bit. I hear what they are going through. I hear that all is generally resolved without too much bloodshed, and we move on. 


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