Okay. Call me back.

 The baby is asleep. Rob is getting ready to start teaching again tomorrow and I am sitting on the porch swing. It is thundering and there is lightning in the sky.

It’s breezy and all the bugs are out. But it’s cool so I’m happy. 

It’s been a busy week. Not all of it has been easy. I’ll go up with Welles and visit my mama this week. Just to sit with her for a while. Then dad and I will eat. When she was just starting to fade, that’s what dad and I would do. I was pregnant and we were both in mourning so we ate it all away. We would eat and make each other laugh. 

Mom would have loved that. She warned me about all this when she was my age. 

“Megan, don’t you worry about me. Just find me a nice home and go live your life. I’m serious.” 

I wish I could go back to those moments and just breathe her in a little more. I wish I could hear her laugh. Or go shopping with her. I wish I could call her. I’ve been listening to old voicemails she left me. 

“Megan? It’s your mother. Did you know there is a Newnan Theater Company? Okay. Call me back.”

“Megan? It’s your mother. That thing we talked about? I can do it but I need to talk to you about it without your father hovering around. I can do it though. So don’t worry. Okay. Call me back.”

“Megan? It’s your mother. Happy birthday! Okay. Call me back.”


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