Nailed It

 Today was my birthday. My sweet husband surprised me with a Nailed It Challenge that my family all participated in which was a riot. We all ate lunch together then made cakes that were sad replications of fancy cakes. It was great. I was with my family. My dad was happy. My kids were smiling under our roof and my sister was laser focused on winning. Welles was in heaven with all the noise and attention. I savored every moment, because I know it will be gone in a flash. 

I am learning, probably from my friend’s parenting experiences and my old age, that life makes some wild turns. I’m not really ever at the wheel. As much as I want to control things, I can’t. I have a son who is about to be an adult. He is making decisions for himself. I will try and guide him to make the best ones possible, but then it’s up to him. I had to let him go a little more today and it hurt. But Rob and I love him fiercely. And we will be behind him no matter where his life may take him. 

It’s all part of being a mama with kids all in different phases of life, we are being a little life into the fold while starting to let one go. And then there’s Charlie who is watching her brother leave and learning to be a big sister. She knows better than any of us that we aren’t in control but she knows no matter what we will be holding her hand for the ride. 


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