
 I have been missing the days of the landline. There is so much of everything today. So much information, so much exposure it’s all just too much for me to handle. And it’s certainly too much for my kids to handle. So when I got back Rob and I talked about how hard it all was, especially bringing a new baby into this world that’s spinning so fast. We talked about how one day, we would just have a landline. 

And maybe we will. But until I can get a phone plug thing put in, I had a test run.

I made a phone spot. I left it there all day. I checked in three or four times but that was all. It was amazing. I was completely focused on Welles and when she slept, I organized our bookshelves, I cleaned the mudroom, I did things. I did actual things. There was no scrolling pictures of lives I don’t have or pinning furniture I can’t afford, I just made my home more mine. I have weeded out the unneeded and dusted down the loved items I had neglected. 

So if you are trying to reach me, call or text. But it may take me a few minutes to get to the phone. I’m busy doing other things. 


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