
 Today I managed to really focus on revising some of my middle grade manuscript. Poor book. The characters had been left in a room without much explanation. They were not happy. 

“Can you please just answer these questions?!”

“She can’t. Can’t you see she doesn’t know what the hell is going on! She’s just gonna leave us here, in this underground treehouse for the rest of eternity!”

“Oh for God's sake get a grip, Ellery.” 

“What did you say?”

“Listen. Give her a chance and can you please put that cigarette out? For God sakes we are supposed to be twelve!”

“Can you people just settle down? She’s here now and she is trying to answer all of your questions if you could just…”

“Shut it squirrel. Go eat another acorn cake.”

You get the picture. I finally regained some control. But it wasn’t easy. And I can’t leave them like that again or they will blow up my computer and burn my house down. 

If you happened to hear of my house burning down, it’s my character’s fault. 


No, it's mine. 

I can’t let them be alone for that long.

I have to finish this book.

Or else.


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