
 Today was a good day. It was a day that I thought maybe not much would get done, and then things did get done. We sort of just went with the current today. It was nice. There is so much tending that needs done in this stage of my life. Tending to a new marriage, aging parents, friends with aging parents, kids, more kids, very small kids. And me. I was watching my birds and weed flowers this morning and thinking I was happy. I was content. I wanted a wild lovely garden, Intended it how I could, and it bloomed for me. I didn’t hire anyone to design something manicured, my family helped some and I did some. and it’s grown to be just wild enough and so beautiful. It’s the perfect garden for me. So Insat on the swing and thought I think we can do a few things. I asked for a little help. Some things didn’t get too far, some things got further. But we ended the day with a tended to house, and spending some sweet time with the kids. 

I know my garden will change, some flowers will die, some weeds will sneak in. And I will tend it how I can. And it will be just fine for me. 


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