I have gotten to where I write these later and later in the day. I have to shuffle through my moments to try and find a memory or a moment that might be interesting to mull over again and again.
So today I will talk about pies. I love pie. It’s something that Inalways wanted to master, like gardening or being well groomed. For a while I got pretty good and somewhat pudgy. But I put the pies away. I was busy doing other things like falling in love and cultivating weeds and writing books. But today while Charlie sat on the floor reading Weldon a book, I saw a recipe for pie and I got nostalgic for it. I am still pudgy, but my husband likes it that way, so perhaps pies need to make a comeback. What a nice writing discipline. If I get a chapter done, I will make the crust. Next chapter, filling. Then, at the end of the day, after all my hard work I have a delicious treat to celebrate.
I also have started working on building a dollhouse. But they don’t taste as good.
So pie it is.
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