Weed Nun

 I am reading a book about a punk nun. She is the ultimate Rebel Catholic and I love her. In the book there is a fellow nun that spends her days tending the herb garden. In my mind I have decided part of me is a mash up of these two characters. So today I am wandering around my lawn meadow, baby on my hip and long black moomoo dress flowing, learning about my weed flowers. I got this app that tells me what they are and if they are sick and how to tend to them. It’s fascinating. I feel like that mash up nun, poking around in my medicinal garden. Everyone may THINK these are weeds. But I know better. I know that mugwort repels snakes. And Mosquitos. I know that my goldenrod won’t bloom for a while but it was used to treat asthma and hemorrhoids. Can your perfectly manicured lawn treat hemorrhoids? I didn’t think so. I trimmed the fungusy leaves off of my Fiddle Leaf. I applied neem oil to keep the bad pest away so that all the birds and bees and butterflies can enjoy the lawn meadow without being hassled. I also looked up bloom times. I can’t wait. Everyone that slows and gives my meadow the disappointed slow head shake will be so surprised when they all burst into colorful blooms. All of them surrounded by a cloud of blessed butterflies. 

Drive on by judgement. The Lord sees you.


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