Two Little Birds
Yesterday we brought home two little birds. They aren’t ours. Not really.
They are class pets from Rob's school. But I get them all summer long. My little summer birds. I think perhaps Rob was concerned about my muttering to the birds on the feeder. So now we have two lovely blue and white parakeets. Polly and Tommy Shelby. I have been researching how to keep them happy. What the sounds mean. How to decipher bird body language. If they sing and are fluffy they are happy. If they make themselves skinny and are quiet, they aren’t. Sounds like me.
I want the birds to feel safe and happy. So I have been playing "Happy Parakeet Chatter” on YouTube. An endless loop of parakeet chatter and tweets that is supposed to make them “sing and settle happily into their new home.” I have searched “How to know if your parakeet likes you" and “How to gain a parakeet's trust.” Maybe I’m coming on a bit too strong . Perhaps I should just go about my days. Let my two little birds watch me in action. Speak to them in a gentle voice. Nibble on my afternoon snack of cookies while I tell them about all the goings on with the wild outdoor birds. Sing badly to them and just be patient.
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