
 Tuesdays. Just a day. Sewing class. Tutoring. School programs for Rob. Me home sorting laundry. Cleaning up after the bulldog. Dishes. Naps. Planning how to eat the strange combination of things that are hiding in the fridge. Ziggy said the other day he wished he could be a stay at home dad. That my day seemed so fun. I guess it is fun. 

I remember being a kid, waiting for my mom to take me to the bus stop. I would watch our little dog sleeping on the couch. Oblivious to the world. I watched her and wished I could just be her. No stress about homework, or letters home from the teacher or what drama might happen with the cliques in school. She just stayed home and got  loved on by my mama and ate. Amazing. Of course she died when she was 9 but still. Being a kid is complicated. You have no control. Everything is changing both inside and outside. And kids know that things just get more complicated. They see in the hushed conversations and the stack of bills on the desk. 

So perhaps I have created that life for myself a bit. I stay home. Sometimes I nap. I love my sweet baby and eat snacks. All while doing all the things but still, I’m home. I have a little haven from the world. I hope my family feels it when they come home. I hope that is why Zig feels that way. Because he is safe here. Even if there’s still unfolded laundry and a few dishes in the sink. 


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