Ziggy is sixteen and starting to do all the teenager things. He was telling me about having some friends over this weekend to celebrate summer.
“Don’t get arrested.” I laughed.
“Mom!” He groaned.
He knows the story. It’s become legend in our family.
I remember it so clearly. I was tucked in bed when I heard my parents downstairs. Dad called out, “Well, Heather is in jail.”
I sat bolt upright in bed. Could it be true? The life of an only child flashed through my mind. No more blackmail. No more names like Hackerhair or The Big Gapper. I would be free.
Unfortunately for my fantasy, Heather was released. Heather says she was terrified, but when dad rolled into the station to break her out he was laughing. “Where’s my jailbird?” He joked with the cops. I’ll let the details of her arrest stay confidential. Let’s just say you should see the other guy.
Looking at Zig as a teenager I have to keep this moment in the forefront. Kids make stupid mistakes. Hell, adults make stupid mistakes. I can advise and love and support till I’m blue in the face but it’s up to him to a degree now.
I hope I don’t ever have to break him loose. I’m sure Charlie feels differently.
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