Hide and Seek
Rob and I have a perfectly unique relationship. He is the man that holds the door. The man that brings me cookies because I’m too skinny. The man that tells me daily how special our family is to him. He makes up silly songs on his guitar to make Charlie laugh. Or stays up late watching boxing movies with Zig.
He’s my perfect.
Besides the millions of other things I am not including on this list, the cherry on the cake is our mysterious eyeball game.
It started with Shrinky Dinks. Rob started the tradition of us making them for the tree every Christmas. There are always one or two that are too weird or cattywampus to use, so they would be put away. Kept as memories.
Fast forward to February. I started finding a random Shrinky Dink hidden in strange places. First stuck into the toilet roll. Then in my bottle of vitamins. I finally caught on and started playing with him.
The Shrinky Dink only lasted about three months. And then Rob turned up with a wildly realistic eyeball. One morning Rob found it peering from inside his Advil bottle, then I found it peeking from my reading glasses.
Everyday is a new adventure. And there are the hard things that try to beat us down. But we just laugh. And hide the eyeball.
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