
 I have missed a few posts. More important moments were kicking up some leaves in our life. Winds changing and all that. So I’ll give myself a break. It will all be good. But for the moment I am stuck right where I am. Waiting on something that is or isn’t. 

Life is crazy when you get those rollercoaster moments. You know there is a chance there may be a twisting loop ahead, but your stomach still drops. Even if you’ve ridden the ride before. 

So while I'm stuck here waiting I am starting to pick back at The Book. I hired an editor that helped me at a conference years ago. She remembered it, and seemed genuinely interested to help get it ready to submit. 

Also I have four large boxes of freshly picked books for my Hunni Hound Children’s Book Pop Up Shop sitting on my kitchen table.

But I keep looking at the clock. And waiting to see what is. Or isn’t.


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